العيادات و المستشفيات

High Contrast Board Book

This black and white baby book features 14 bold high contrast images, including the first colors infants see, making this book ideal for supporting early visual and cognitive growth in infants. Available in eight different languages. Ages 0+

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High Contrast Board Book (3-pack)

This three (3) book set features over 40 high contrast images, ideal for supporting early visual and cognitive growth in infants. The three themes include animals, food, and landmarks. Ages 0+

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Vision Development Cards

These easy-to-hold cards feature 23 high contrast images and four low contrast images, including the first colors infants see, making these cards ideal for supporting early visual and cognitive growth in infants while on the go. Available in eight different languages. Ages 0+

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High Contrast Soft Book (Coming Soon)

This soft high contrast book features 11 high contrast images, including the first colors infants see, along with a mirror. Ages 0+